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11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program + 5 FREE Bonus Programs

The 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Funnel
Initial Product: $49
11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program + 5 FREE Bonus Programs
Order Bump: $37
Law of Attraction Meditation Package (7 Guided Meditations)
Upsell: $49.99
Vibration Accelerator Program + 3 FREE Bonus Programs
Downsell: $19.99
Vibration Accelerator Program + 3 FREE Bonus Programs
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This is me, Sebastian :-)

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Email 1:
The day I almost jumped…
Losing my life before mastering the art of manifesting
Hey Deliberate Creator,
Here's what went through my head on a tiny balcony on the 21st floor:
"Come on you miserable piece of... You are not worthy of living. Jump!. Do it! Jump you loser!"
It was a pitch-dark night.
I didn't want to feel anymore.
I didn't want to suffer anymore.
The thought of crawling back on my knees, just to move in with my parents after a failed business, a failed relationship...a failed life...
My thoughts were killing me.
And I wanted to kill my thoughts by jumping from the 21st floor.
Then...I already had my left foot in the hit me.
My business didn't fail. I destroyed it.
My relationship didn't fail. I destroyed it.
My life didn't fail. I destroyed it.
That was the realization I needed because in this moment a voice spoke to me.
The universe spoke to me.
And said...
"If you can create misery, you can create bliss"
In this moment I made a decision.
For the first time in my life I decided to take responsibility for my creations.
That was the moment when I turned from being a random creator into being a deliberate creator.
Little did I know that this message from the universe would lead me on a path towards manifestation mastery… (LINK)
Email 2:
The biggest lie you’ve been told
Now you can’t go back to your old life anymore
Hey Deliberate Creator,
I once believed this lie.
I lived this lie.
In fact, I almost lived it a decade.
I drifted from one soul-sucking 9 to 5 job to the next without ever questioning this lie.
Sometimes I got fired. Most of the time I quit.
But with every new job this feeling of "this can't be all there is?" got stronger and stronger.
Yet, I continued to believe the lie.
I continued to believe that following your calling is risky.
"Get a college degree. Then get a safe and secure job. Then be happy with your life.
Why did this path to "happiness" feel so wrong?
Why was I constantly depressed?
Well, I can tell you why.
But I have to warn you.
What I'm about to tell you will offend you and it will irritate you.
You betray yourself, your potential and the universe by NOT manifesting your dream life. (LINK)
Yes, the universe!
You type numbers in an excel sheet.
That's at least what I did.
Now imagine if I had continued to do this.
I would have never helped, guided and inspired hundreds of amazing deliberate creators.
I would still be typing numbers in an excel sheet that nobody cares about and that nobody will ever look at.
I am so incredibly grateful that I decided to manifest my dream life… (LINK)
Email 3:
The decision you'll regret for the rest of your life
Say NO to the Law of Attraction and…
Hey Deliberate Creator,
You will regret it.
I know you will.
I know it because I almost made this self-destructive mistake...
...until I opened their eyes to a new reality.
The mistake I and almost all people make:
Wedoubt the law of attraction because our logical mind is holding us back.
Click here if you want to avoid making this mistake. (LINK)
But why?
When it comes to manifesting your dreams, you have to jump, as Steve Harvey loves to say it.
You have to jump and believe that you will fly...otherwise you will fall.
The law of attraction is always working...
also AGAINST you!
It will work against you if you blindly stumble from contrast to contrast without ever actively manifesting your dreams.
NOT manifesting your dreams = depression
NOT manifesting your dreams = resentment
NOT manifesting your dreams = regret
You don't want this for your life...believe me...I’ve lived like this for decades.
Say "yes" to a life where you have the power to create anything you want. (LINK).
Email 4:
Stop watching Gaia!
Are you a spiritual consumer junkie?
Hey Deliberate Creator,
I love Gaia.
I can't even tell you how many shows I watched on the Netflix for spiritual dudes and dudettes.
One day I STOPPED!
Because I realized that I was consuming more and more information without ever putting anything into practice.
I don't want you to recall the law of attraction.
I want you to PRACTICE the law of attraction.
That’s why the amazing deliberate creators who invest in the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program achieve such incredible results.
In just 11 days you can reach a state of manifestation mastery.
The money, the relationship, the life you can be yours. (LINK)
It just takes 11 days to learn everything about the law of attraction and manifesting your dreams that you need to know to create the life of your dreams.
In just 11 days your life will be completely different… (LINK)