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Certified Manifestation Coach Who Suffered From Two Heart Surgeries, Severe Depression, and Imminent Bankruptcy Reveals How YOU Can Easily Activate The Same Manifestation Superpowers That Allowed Him to 20x His Income, Attract a Loving Relationship, and Manifest His Dream Life

From: The Desk of Sebastian Soul

To: Deliberate Creator

We are on the verge of a global depression.

The unemployment rates are at an all-time high.

Millions of people are suffering from anxiety and depression.

And popular news channels are poisoning your vibration with negativity all day long.

They use their Fear Frequency to keep you at such a low level of consciousness that attracting more money, love and happiness into your life becomes IMPOSSIBLE!

We are on the verge of the biggest financial crisis in the history of mankind and I don’t want you to end up in the same dark, hopeless, and desperate place I ended up in.

“What happened to you, Sebastian?” I hear you asking.

Now let me take you back to 2019...

I was ready to jump.

Finally! My suffering was about to end!

The balcony I was standing on was so tiny that one wrong move was enough to set me free.

Free from the guilt I felt for destroying a promising relationship with my insatiable ego.

Free from the self-hate and self-pity I felt whenever I looked into the mirror and saw all these scars on a way too skinny body.

Free from the shame of barely being able to afford a flight from Bangkok, Thailand to Frankfurt, Germany...just to move back in with my an adult.

Yes, Bangkok...that's where I was at that moment...on a tiny balcony on the 21st floor.

  • My relationship? Destroyed!
  • My business? Failed!
  • My money? Gone!

My spirit? Broken...

I just wanted to jump. I just wanted to end it all. I just wanted to stop feeling like a a disappointment.

"Please God, if you exist, tell can I stop this suffering? Please make me stop feeling these emotions! Numb my pain! Please!"

It was a pitch black night and nobody could hear my screams.

To be honest, I don't even remember if I screamed out loud, if I sobbed these words or if I cursed God in my mind while crying my eyes out.

All I remember is that this feeling of suffering was unbearable.

That’s when these images appeared in front of my red and tear-filled eyes.

These images of how my suffering began…

  • I was born with a congenital heart defect. 
  • My twin brother died right after I was born. 
  • My teenage years were one dark cloud of depression, self-hate, and crying myself to sleep almost every night. 

Now I was ready to jump...

Little did I know that, while sobbing and crying on this tiny balcony on the 21st floor of my apartment in Bangkok...

I had accidentally stumbled upon the secret that allowed me to turn my life around.

Fast forward to today...

I have multiple successful businesses that provide me with more than $20,000 each month…even though I had NEVER been able to make more than $1.200 per month...BEFORE I discovered this secret. 

As soon as I used the manifestation techniques I share with you in the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program, my business exploded and the universe provided me with countless ideas, synchronicities and signs to start more successful businesses, investments, and projects.

These are just three of my bank accounts to show you the manifestation superpowers you will have after the next 11 days.

Thanks to my manifestation skills that I cultivated and perfected over the last 4 years since my admittedly rough spiritual awakening, my Investment Accounts are also looking better and better every month:

Thanks to studying and mastering The Law of Attraction and The Law of Assumption, I attract so much wealth that I now always fly business class which has been one of my manifestation goals when I first embarked on this wonderful journey of manifesting abundance.

I have a loving relationship with a woman who is so amazing that words can’t even describe the love I feel for her…even though I had NEVER been able to attract a relationship that's not completely toxic...BEFORE I discovered this secret.

I created a lifestyle for myself that allows me to live wherever I want, to travel whenever I want and to do whatever I want at any given time…even though I had NEVER been able to live in freedom...BEFORE I discovered this secret.

The secret is contained in the followign two words...

"I created…"

This is what I realized while I was standing on the 21st floor, ready to jump.

This voice…there was this voice that was talking to me.

And the voice said:

  • “You created your poverty!”
  • “You created your failed relationships!”
  • “You created your life of suffering!”

While I heard it talking to me, I was scared. I was scared that I was about to go crazy.

Today I know that the universe was speaking to me.

This was the moment I needed to realize something so simple and yet so profound:

We are creators.

We are creators because every one of us has this superpower.

  • If you can create poverty, you can create wealth.
  • If you can create toxic relationships, you can create loving relationships.
  • If you can create a life of suffering, you can create a life of joy, happiness, and freedom.

Whatever negative event you have created in the past, you can create the opposite for your future.

Your future hasn’t been written yet.

All I know is this:

Once you activate this power within you, your life will never be the same.

Please allow me to show you how you can easily activate this superpower in just 11 days.

Your Future starts today…

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But before you continue reading, I have to warn you.

This is the most comprehensive manifestation course that has ever been created. In the next 11 days, you will master the art of manifesting with more than 15 hours of audio material in the form of audio seminars, exercises, and hypnosis.

This program is ONLY for action-takers who want to finally be able to manifest anything they ever wanted. It’s very expensive and if you are not willing to invest in yourself and the future that you have the chance to create for yourself after these 11 days, then please leave this page now.

Still here?

This means that you have what it takes to manifest your dreams and that you are ready to discover what you will receive...

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 1: Mastering The Law of Attraction & The Law of Assumption

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  • The #1 biggest “law of attraction response” mistake that 99% of deliberate creators make (NOT making this mistake allows you to access the law of attraction in a way only a few people in this world can).
  • A secret backdoor way to shift your paradigm and to choose your thoughts and emotions WITHOUT the risk of getting pulled back by old negative beliefs.
  • The ONE ACTION you absolutely must take if you ever want to successfully use the law of assumption to manifest your dreams, just like Neville Goddard taught it to his VIP clients.
  • A ruthless way to avoid the pain of NOT receiving signs from the universe (and of NOT receiving your manifestation).
  • How to use the “Back to the Future” principle to effectively use the law of attraction every single time (you almost can’t help but manifest your wildest desires).
  • One word that you not only need to understand intellectually but also emotionally in order to make the law of attraction work FOR you (Instead of AGAINST you).
  • Rewarded Inspiration Technique – Use this when you want to manifest your dreams WITHOUT stress and WITHOUT overworking yourself.
  • An uncomfortable truth about the law of assumption AND the law of attraction that the media, most news channels and politicians who try to divide people don’t want you to know. 
  • The nitty-gritty details about how to use the law of attraction in high-pressure situations that might even threaten your existence.
  • A truly powerful and according to some of my Skype coaching clients “life changing!” realization about the law of attraction that drastically improved my ability to manifest whatever I want (WARNING: This realization requires you to make a simple change in your subconscious mind. I show you how). 

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 2: Mastering Your Power as a Deliberate Creator

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  • What one of the world’s most famous Youtuber/Vlogger taught me about random creation and deliberate creation (And how YOU can use this secret to manifest money, health and wealth).
  • An inside look at your conscious mind and the role of the conscious mind in the manifestation process (While all the other manifestation coaches only talk about the subconscious mind, I show you how to combine your conscious and subconscious mind to create manifestation miracles). 
  • 7 secrets about the power of your thoughts and how YOU can create a new mind, body and life with the power of “through shifting”.
  • The absolutely WORST mistake you can make when you think negative thoughts and feel negative emotions (99% of deliberate creators are terrified of making this mistake…which leads to them making it).
  • Why some of the most successful entrepreneurs and deliberate creators on the planet use the “3% Conscious” rule to create their future. 
  • How to become aware of your incongruent patters and reactions that STOP YOU from creating the life you truly want WITHOUT accidentally recreating your past over and over again.
  • The ancient “dream level” secret that has been used by Shamans and spiritual teachers to discover where the universe wants to lead them (HINT: This is the fastest path to your manifestation).
  • A simple yet highly effective writing exercise that can allow you to delete negative beliefs from your subconscious mind (And replace them with the beliefs that allow manifestation success).
  • What many deliberate creators do in an attempt to reprogram their subconscious mind (That actually works AGAINST them) and what you have to do instead.
  • The 1-second trick that allows you to easily convince your subconscious mind that you and the future self you create are one (WARNING: Without this subconscious change it will be incredibly difficult for you to manifest anything, let alone what you truly want).

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 3: Mastering the Process of Creating Your Future

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  • The completely unorthodox “future creation” secret one of Hollywood’s most successful movies in the 80s shared with audiences worldwide (and why everyone misunderstood its meaning). 
  • A clever trick that allows you to create your future NOW, experience the emotions NOW, and as a result, manifest FASTER. 
  • The ONE QUESTION you absolutely have to ask yourself RIGHT NOW if you ever want to create your dream future and manifest it.
  • 3 TERRIBLE LIES that are holding you back from letting go of the old story that is no longer serving you (WARNING: Realizing that you’ve been lied to might lead to a strong emotional reaction).
  • Why you should never take any action BEFORE you haven’t made a very specific change in your life (HINT: I’ll reveal this change in the first 15 minutes of this module).
  • How to figure out what you are truly passionate about, what this has to do with your life purpose, and how YOU can create a future in which you live your purpose every day.  
  • A scientifically proven way (used by counselors and psychologists all over the world) to replace your old self-destructive habits with new life-affirming AND life-creating habits.
  • How to use the principle of “manifestation milestones” to track your progress and to make sure that you ALWAYS achieve your manifestation goals.
  • The #1 worst mistake you could possibly make in the process of creating your future self (WARNING: Make this mistake and you will fail again and again).
  • The 5-question sequence that prepares your subconscious mind to choose the perfect parallel reality for you (I show you how to choose this parallel reality AND how to turn it into YOUR reality).   

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 4: Mastering Negative and Positive Contrast

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  • An admittedly weird way to look at contrast that no other manifestation coach has ever mentioned (HINT: This is the secret to turn contrast into incredible manifestations).
  • The mysterious “anti-hype” methodology that you must understand AND internalize if you ever want to transform your life from “contrast-based” to “bliss-based” (WARNING: Most human beings REFUSE to do this…and suffer because of it). 
  • How to purposely use the contrast that society, the media, the news, and political institutions try to feed you and turn it into fuel for your manifestation success (And before you even ask…you can do this AND change your future even though you’ve watched the news every day for the last 20 years).
  • One of my spiritual mentor’s powerful method to create opportunities that allow you to grow spiritually, emotionally and mentally whenever you experience contrast (While at the same time limiting your exposure to contrast dramatically).  
  • The #1 opportunity that contrast provides you with that 99% of deliberate creators simply ignore.
  • A highly effective – yet 100% beginner-friendly – technique to eliminate contrast once and for all by focusing on the right indicator and the “peace and harmony” principle.
  • The ONE choice that contrast provides you with that has the potential to change the course of your life (WARNING: One wrong choice can turn your life into a negative manifestation hell).
  • How to use contrast as the door to spiritual enlightenment (HINT: The more enlightened you are, the easier it will be for you to raise your vibration and to manifest effortlessly).
  • A bizarre mindset that allows you to move away from contrast and towards a life of bliss, happiness, and fulfillment.
  • The terrible mistake so many “believers” make BEFORE they even experience contrast (This mistake has the potential to STOP your manifestation from ever reaching you…and mess up your life!!!)

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 5: Mastering the Art of Affirming Your Desires

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  • The #1 biggest misconception that 8/10 deliberate creators have about affirmations (and why this misconception can ruin your ability to manifest with affirmations). 
  • Why you should never use THESE 3 WORDS in your affirmations (WARNING: Use these words and you might lower your vibration instead of raising it). 
  • A secret backdoor way to use affirmations to manifest more money WITHOUT mentioning your job title or anything about your career.
  • The ONE THING that stops you from effectively manifesting with your affirmations (HINT: It has to do with your family, your friends, and with one of the most popular dating mistakes people make).
  • An old affirmation-writing strategy that makes it almost neurologically impossible to NOT believe that you are the rich, healthy, and happy person you want to become (REMEMBER: Believe it and you will receive it!).
  • A mental trick used by the most powerful deliberate creators in this world to put you in the “hey, I already have everything I want” vibration that you NEED in order to manifest what you want.
  • The “I + name formation” experiment that has the potential to skyrocket the success you will experience with even the simplest affirmation.  
  • A completely forgotten ancient way of writing your affirmations that I only remembered after reading one of Simon Sinek’s bestselling books (This ONE WORD will change everything for you).
  • What most people forget WHILE they are reading their affirmations and AFTER they’ve read their affirmations (WARNING: Forget these two “little action steps” and you might as well delete your affirmations right now).  
  • The by far BIGGEST MISTAKE you could possibly make when you write your affirmations (and what you have to do instead…unless you want to create completely useless affirmations).

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 6: Mastering Your Emotions and Your Emotional State

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  • How to use the “Impactful Correlation Principle” between your emotions, your habits, and your personality to create an emotional state that allows you to easily manifest anything you want.
  • The biggest and absolutely worst mistake so many deliberate creators make when they try to change their emotional state (HINT: it has NOTHING to do with letting go). 
  • How to use Emotional State Shifting to never again experience a negative emotion for longer than 3-5 seconds.  
  • A sneaky little tactic that allows you to easily uncover the real reason why you are experiencing negative emotions (WARNING: You need to turn back time).
  • The fastest and easiest way to stop the “emotional blame game” and to master your own emotions WITHOUT ever feeling like a victim again.
  • 3 things you have to stop consuming NOW if you ever want to master your emotions and successfully use your emotional state as a manifestation force.
  • A simple and kind of awkward experiment that can allow you to magically shift your emotional state in less than 30 seconds (HINT: The only requirement is a simple pencil).
  • Why you do not want to spend so much time with your fast-food-loving family members and how being “less German” can boost your manifestation success.
  • My brutally honest and unfiltered opinion on Abraham Hick’s 17 Second Rule and how I (and my most successful Skype Coaching Clients) use it with a funny twist to make it even more effective.
  • The one “anti-social-conditioning” decision that you MUST consciously make right now in this moment if you ever want to be able to master your emotions and your emotional state.

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 7: Mastering the Energy in Your Body and in Your Heart

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  • What 99% of people do NOT understand about energy (and why this misunderstanding might also be responsible for your lack of manifestation success). 
  • How to locate and direct the energy in your body (WARNING: You might feel physical sensations and a higher vibration as an immediate result).
  • The ancient and nowadays forgotten truth about your chakras and how YOU can use the energy centers in your body to manifest your wildest dreams.
  • What aligning your chakras has to do with your manifestation success (WARNING: Discovering the true power of your energy centers can be a bit overwhelming at first).
  • How I instantly unblocked one of my chakras which then allowed me to increase my income significantly…and how you can do the same.
  • The incredibly simple Location Technique that allows you to bring your chakras into a state of alignment (EASY: You don’t have to do anything except breathing and doing what I teach you in this module).
  • The #1 reason why one of your charkas might be blocked…how to unblock it…and how to access a higher level of consciousness during this process.  
  • Speaking of your chakras…I show you exactly where to locate all 7 of your energy centers in your body, what you can manifest with each of them AND how you use this energy to manifest.
  • How to create brain and heart coherence in a way that allows you to raise your vibration to the frequency of love, which is perfect if you want to attract a loving relationship (WARNING: You might cry tears of joy the first time you do this).  
  • The exact “magic” energy flow sequence that allows you to attract money and financial abundance by harnessing the power of the energy centers in your body. 

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 8: Mastering the Ultimate State of Receivership

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  • A fast and effective way to immediately get in a state of gratitude (and gratitude is, according to Dr. Joe Dispenza, the ultimate state of receivership). 
  • How to take advantage of your brain’s inability to distinguish between reality and imagination (WARNING: The method I teach you in this module can lead to strong positive reality shifts and clear signs from the universe). 
  • The “future design” technique – Use this whenever you want to experience an instant gratitude boost (HINT: This technique can also be used during meditation to improve your chances of manifesting what you feel in your meditation).
  • How to be grateful for the things you already have in your life WITHOUT lying to yourself (HINT: This simple technique can turn your “lack mindset” into an “abundance mindset within seconds).
  • The exact steps that allow you to easily fall in love with the number in your bank account (and to turn it into any number you want it to be).
  • An often overlooked and sometimes even blatantly ignored “side effect” of being able to feel gratitude for something (HINT: This “side effect” is EXTREMELY powerful for everyone who wants to manifest career and business success).
  • How I used the power of gratitude to heal myself from several health issues, including inflammation in my bod (IMPORTANT: For legal reasons I do NOT give any guarantees that this will also heal you from your illnesses but it worked for me).
  • An incredibly simple way to manifest love and appreciation in your life…no matter if it’s a loving relationship, a fulfilling career, or being appreciated by friends.
  • The ONE TOOL every deliberate creator who is serious about manifesting with gratitude absolutely MUST have.
  • How to convince your analytical mind to accept thoughts and feelings of gratitude WITHOUT fear, doubt, and hesitation (WARNING: This technique is so powerful that it can turn the most “left-brain” and analytical person into a manifestation super hero…it even works on analytical Germans like me hehe). 

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 9: Mastering Meditation, Visualization and Visual Meditation

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  • The one place where you should NOT meditate (seriously, do this under no circumstances) because it has the potential to mess up your life. 
  • What most deliberate creators and even the most experienced meditation masters don’t know about the link between meditation and your manifestation success.
  • How to enter a meditative state almost immediately after sitting down (you almost can’t help but see your future…and then create your future).  
  • The #1 worst mistake you can make when you meditate for the very first time (and why so many people make this mistake…which absolutely DESTROYS their ability to visualize during meditation).
  • How to reach the “sweet spot” in your visual meditation that allows you to not only created the images of your future but to access this parallel reality in the quantum field by shifting to the perfect emotional state.
  • The biggest misconception so many people have about meditating (WARNING: This is the reason why MOST people who say “I want to start manifesting with meditation” never actually do it…and never succeed).
  • 7 easy-to-use visualization techniques that I have NEVER shared in any of my podcasts (HINT: Visualization technique #3 is the most fun because it allows you to create your life like in a video game…with the only difference that this is YOUR REALITY).  
  • How to experience “quantum leaps” during a simple meditation (HINT: This can allow you to manifest faster than ever before because you are no longer bound to the laws of the three dimensional reality).
  • How to access your subconscious mind with the “body ladder” (This is a process that I developed to allow my conscious mind to open to the door for me to access my subconscious mind and my Skype coaching clients experienced INCREDIBLE RESULTS with it).
  • The 2 MOST IMPORTANT questions you must ask yourself right before you visualize yourself and your life like a first-person video game (WARNING: if you forget to ask yourself these 2 questions you might not be able to access the emotions that make you a vibrational match to your future). 

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 10: Mastering Letting Go and Trusting the Universe

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  • The NUMBER ONE reason why it is so incredibly difficult (even painful) to let go (and how you can do it with the least amount of effort even though you might not have been able to let go your whole life). 
  • What’s truly holding you back from reaching a state of peace and calmness that would allow you to not only let go but to finally let all the amazing miracle manifestations in that you are so desperately waiting for. 
  • The uncomfortable truth about letting go and your manifestation process (WARNING: Most spiritual teachers either don’t address this topic at all or they try to make you feel guilty).
  • 3 words that you think about (and feel) every day that make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to let go and to receive your manifestation from the universe.
  • 99% of manifestation practitioners believe that letting go means THIS (and why this is not just false but also incredibly dangerous for your spiritual path).
  • Why it is NOT always good to let go (WARNING: I share some controversial areas with you in which letting go can actually ruin your life…this section of this module is not for people who are easily offended).
  • 6 relaxation techniques that I and many of my Skype coaching clients successfully use to let go fast WITHOUT using psychedelics or any other substances.
  • What screaming vegetables, dancing to a One Direction song, and daydreaming have to do with letting (and how you can use them to manifest your dreams faster).
  • The ONE ACTION you have to take if you ever want to be able to let go (WARNING: This action requires full trust and the ability to see beyond of what 99% of people are able to see).
  • How to practice “opposite mindfulness”…how to do something most people are no longer able to do to silence your inner critic…why letting go of the outcome is so hard for you but so important for your manifestation success (and how YOU can finally be able to do it)…and THE KEY to letting go and mastering yourself and your manifestation success…and so much more. 

11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 11: Mastering Your Spiritual Path to Manifestation Success

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  • 3 types of synchronicities (99% of deliberate creators forget about #3, which is also the most life-changing experience) and how you can receive AND use synchronicities to manifest the life of your dreams in the most effortless way. 
  • The #1 biggest mistake you (most likely) make while you are waiting for the universe to deliver your manifestation (WARNING: This mistake can lead to severe anxiety, stress, and the OPPOSITE of what you intended to manifest).
  • The "sneaky universe" principle of showing you that your manifestation is on its way (HINT: Most deliberate creators completely ignore this sign). 
  • What you absolutely have to do after 4 months of manifesting (unless you want to continue in a state of uncertainty and fear of “when will it happen?”).
  • The ONE ACTION you must take if you ever want to master the art of manifesting your dreams (WARNING: Your ego will try to stop you from doing that but it is absolutely essential that you do it anyway…I show you how).
  • How to manifest in your dreams (and why most people manifest negative things even though their dreams are pointing them in the right direction).
  • The ONLY feeling that matters when you are right at the edge of jumping into the parallel reality that you created for yourself (It feels so good to know with absolute certainty that you are about to receive what you manifested).
  • A little-talked about way to IMMEDIATELY know in which direction you should take your life (After listening to this part of the final module you will fully and completely trust the universe as your friend who guides you).
  • What the Hollywood movie The Matrix, a black cat, and experiences in your childhood have to do with your life purpose AND with your ability to manifest your dreams (WARNING: This might shock you but you will never see the world through the same eyes again).
  • How the “Mindless Mindful Consumption” principle either destroys every one of your manifestation attempts OR allows you to succeed at manifesting beyond your wildest dreams (HINT: I reveal the path to unlimited manifestation success in the last 25 minutes of this module).

All of this is waiting for you inside the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program...

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Now I have to share a secret with you:

I know with 100% certainty that the next 11 days have the potential to change your life forever AND to give you manifestation superpowers.


I also know that there’s a 99% chance that you will NOT make this investment in yourself.

Most people don’t.

But maybe you are not like most people.

Maybe you are part of the chosen 1% who want the power to manifest ANYTHING they want.

  • Maybe you are an action-taker. 
  • Maybe you want to improve your life. 
  • Maybe you want to manifest your dreams. 

Maybe you understand that investing a couple of dollars TODAY can lead to an incredible life in the FUTURE…even to way more money than you might save by buying a cheaper program. 

This program is not cheap.

This program including all the bonuses you receive, contains more than 25 hours of pure life-changing manifestation secrets, techniques, and strategies.

You get 11 audio seminars, 33 exercises, and 11 subconscious mind-altering hypnosis recordings.

I can confidently say that…

This will be the only manifestation course you will ever need.


You have to be one of the chosen few who do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make their dreams a reality.

Mot people are not willing to do this!

In fact, most people would rather spend $200 on a piece of furniture they neither need nor ever look at or one bottle service in a club.

The good news:

You don't even have to invest $200 to master the art of manifesting your dreams. 

Heck, you don't even have to invest $100.

And even though I already give you a generous $380 OFF DISCOUNT (the original price of the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program is $489…and the value is WAY HIGHER than that), most people will STILL not take action.



99% of people are not willing to invest in themselves.

As a result, 99% of people will NEVER…

  • Manifest the life they always dreamed of and wanted. 
  • Manifest the most loving relationship they ever had with the love of their life.
  • Manifest the bank account balance that will immediately eliminate all their worries.  

You have this opportunity. This is your chance.

You just have to take it…

Get instant access to the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program for only...





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30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!

This is a ONE-TIME Payment (NO Recurring Billing). Once your order is complete, you'll receive an email with the link to your digital products. 

Do you have any questions about this program? Send me an email: sebastian

Still here?

Are you unsure if you should make this investment in yourself…in your future and your future self…in the dream life that you can create for yourself?

I won’t try to convince you.

To be honest, if you are unsure about it…don’t do it.

Yup, I said it. And I mean it.

I only want you to invest in the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program if you are 100% committed to your manifestation success.

Don’t worry.

You get a 30-day-money back guarantee.


I ONLY want you to make this investment in yourself and in your future if you are 100% committed to listening to the audio seminars, committed to doing the exercises, and committed to changing your mind and your life with the power of hypnosis.

Are you committed to YOUR manifestation success?

If the answer is “yes!”...

 You will be delighted to discover that I included 5 high-value bonus programs for you that are already worth more than the less than $100 you’ll invest in the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program.

That's less than $10 for each of the 11 life-changing days!

Here’s what you get completely for FREE as a deliberate creator who is committed to success…

…I decided to include plenty of bonuses that you get completely FOR FREE:

Exclusive Free Bonus 1: 65-Minute Trauma Transformation Audio Course (Valued at $49.99)

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  • The #1 biggest misconception that 9/10 deliberate creators have about trauma and how to heal it (Overcoming your trauma and raising your vibration is ONLY possible if you let go of this ONE terrible misconception).
  • How to use different Self-Love Techniques to not only heal your trauma but to also manifest a future for yourself in which you no longer remember your traumatic experiences.
  • Why relying on your motivation to overcome trauma is a TERRIBLE IDEA and what to do instead (Tony Robbins Documentary I’m Not Your Guru provided me with this simple realization and I know that it will change your life).
  • The absolutely WORST mistake that people who have suffered from traumatic experiences make (WARNING: You are making this mistake every day because it feels so good).
  • The incredible secret to making peace with your past (This secret allows you to move on. Unfortunately, 99% of people do NOT do it).
  • A powerful and quite controversial Trauma Release Technique that is used by leading psychologists and that I used to overcome my trauma (This technique allows you to rescue your young traumatized self and free it from the negative emotions of the past).
  • The admittedly weird and VERY controversial process of accessing your stuck negative emotions and freeing yourself of these emotions once and for all.
  • An incredibly effective technique for relief of anxiety, relief of pain, and trauma healing that was developed in the 1990s (Counselors are charging on average $150 per session. I show you how you can easily do it yourself).  
  • The ONE thing you absolutely have to avoid unless you want to be tormented by your trauma and stuck at a low vibrational frequency for the rest of your life.
  • The major Trauma-Healing Advantage that bodybuilders and professional athletes have (I show you how to gain the same advantage WITHOUT becoming a professional athlete).
  • A very humbling but highly effective way to deal with your trauma that allows you to deepen and strengthen your relationship with your loved ones.
  • A very simple Healing Meditation that only takes between 1-3 minutes (This meditation leads to a state of wholeness).
  • The incredibly RISKY decision that so many traumatized people make that ALMOST always backfires (Follow the advice I share in tip #11 to make sure that you don’t put yourself in a vulnerable position).
  • The widely popular psychological technique that is used by therapists all over the world when they work with trauma clients (This technique helps you to respond to challenging situations in an effective and empowering way).
  • Why You absolutely must have this ONE quality if you want to heal your trauma (Most people don’t have it. Do you?)
  • The more you do THIS ONE THING, the worse you feel about yourself (Let’s break this self-destructive daily habit once and for all).
  • The #1 mistake so many people make (I’m sure one of your family members does it too) that keeps you stuck in a vicious cycle of self-pity (WARNING: Change is IMPOSSIBLE unless you become aware of this).
  • The Past-Future-Cycle realization you MUST make if you want to heal your trauma (Without this realization you will NEVER be able to raise your vibration and manifest your dream life).
  • A secret backdoor way to observe your negative emotions as a third-person observer and LAUGH at them (I met a retired psychotherapist in Bangkok who shared this admittedly crazy but incredibly powerful technique with me).
  • How I experienced the ultimate proof that my traumatic emotions were THE BEST thing that ever happened to me (I show you how YOU can make the same experience).
  • The ONE question you must ask yourself if you want to realize your full potential as a deliberate creator while effortlessly healing your trauma.
  • The LAST and maybe the most important step you have to take on your journey towards a happy, fulfilled, and abundant life (WARNING: This can be an emotional process but healing your trauma is the inevitable result).  

...because your trauma is almost always the reason why you are stuck at a low vibration and why you sabotage any potential manifestation success.


Exclusive Free Bonus 2: Vibrational Reality Shift Program (Valued at $79.99)

This program consists of the Vibration Rocket Meditation...

The product is digital and the images are for visualization only

Abraham Hicks always says "joy is the key!"

And the Vibration Rocket Meditation will make you feel joyful, grateful, blessed, and truly happy...

How can I be so sure that listening to this powerful meditation ONCE can already have a profound impact on your vibration?

I'm so certain because I designed this meditation with...

  • A quite unusual visualization technique that immediately allows you to see the future you want to create for yourself more vividly than you have ever before (This allows you to create the emotions that are necessary to raise your vibration while visualizing).
  • The empowering Replication Realization Principle that allows you to raise your vibration every day without any effort and without changing anything about your day (WARNING: Not knowing about this powerful manifestation principle can keep you stuck at a low vibrational frequency for the rest of your life).
  • A ridiculously simple body language adjustment that you can easily perform during the meditation (This adjustment allows you to instantly create vibration-raising endorphins in your body).
  • The word pattern that allows you to fully let go and to experience your full potential as a deliberate creator in the generous present moment (These simple words already raise your vibration AND your level of confidence in yourself and your ability to manifest your dream life).
  • An admittedly weird (but scientifically-proven) visualization technique that tricks your heart into experiencing the emotions of gratitude and abundance (You don’t even have to see anything during your visualization, which makes it even easier).
  • The mysterious “anti-logic” Key Principle that allows you to create feelings of joy, bliss, and pure happiness within milliseconds (WARNING: This powerful technique only works if you answer the questions I ask you during the meditation truthfully).
  • The five-word Future Pacing Questioning Technique that allows you to become a vibrational match to the frequency of whatever you want to manifest (No matter if you want to manifest money, happiness, health, or love…your vibration will be a match to your desire).

And in order to make it even easier for you to raise your vibration, Bonus 4 also includes the Vibrational Reality Shift Audio...

The product is digital and the images are for visualization only

  • The Powerful Embedded Inner Being Command that allows you to instantly activate positive emotions and forget about past negative experiences.
  • An Emotional Experience Chain that guides you towards a feeling of joy, bliss, and appreciation (You don’t have to do ANYTHING to reach these emotional states. Just listen).
  • The unusual Meditative Presence Awareness Technique that helps you to see and to fulfill your true potential as a deliberate creator.
  • The most effortless way to put yourself in a state of trance that spiritually empower your subconscious mind to accept your new natural state of joy (This state is the key to your successful manifestations).
  • The "Manifestation With Ease" Principle that makes you feel adored, admired, blessed and grateful within seconds of listening to this Rampage of Appreciation (Listening to it ONCE can be enough to sustain this emotional state).
  • A word pattern that allows you to feel free of any negative emotions (WARNING: This can be a highly emotional experience, especially when it’s the first time that you experience this freedom).
  • The Powerful Future Self Insight principle that allows you to replace your old story of lack with a new story of abundance (Once you made this internal shift, manifesting money will be so easy).


Exclusive Free Bonus 3: 55 Affirmations to Raise Your Vibration (Valued at $19.99)

The product is digital and the images are for visualization only

These powerful vibration-raising affirmations are based on...

  • The Adventure-Seeking Principle that your subconscious mind is craving but your conscious mind currently blocking (After using this affirmation for a couple of days your subconscious mind will be free).
  • An incredibly effective way to shift your focus from depression, anxiety, and fear to a state of blissful abundance (WARNING: This affirmation might trigger you a bit).
  • The Stairs-to-Ladder Image that allows you to raise your vibration in the morning AND to raise your vibration again in the evening (You don’t even have to say the affirmation again. Reminding yourself of the image is enough).
  • The Worthiness Activator that makes you feel worthy of wealth, health, and happiness (Your subconscious mind will accept this powerful new belief, even if you might have felt unworthy before using this affirmation).
  • A clever Subconscious Mind-Altering technique that tricks your brain into believing that your vibration is already high RIGHT NOW (This is the Vibration Activator you need to cause a long-lasting positive change).
  • An incredibly simple reminder that allows you to instantly shift from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset (This mindset change will make you feel empowered and invincible).
  • The Freedom of Choice Principle that 99% of people are not even aware of (Less than 10% of people who believe in manifesting use this powerful principle).

…these were just 7 examples of the 55 Affirmations you’ll receive completely for FREE if you invest in the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program TODAY...


Exclusive Free Bonus 4: 64-Minute Inside the Mind of 55 Millionaires Audio Course (Valued at $49.99)

The product is digital and the images are for visualization only

  • A relentless approach to life based on the Anti External Influence Principle that allowed Denzel Washington to become one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood.
  • How Oprah Winfrey became the most well-know and most successful TV show host of all times despite being born into a time and an environment where women of color had NO chance to ever succeed.
  • An admittedly weird (but super effective) way that allowed Manifestation Genius Bob Proctor to earn more in a month than he had earned before in a year (He achieved this within less than one year).
  • Kobe Bryant’s (Rest in Peace) anti-ego and anti-bragging law that allowed him to become one of the most successful NBA players, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists in the world.
  • How Sarah Blakely, the found of Spanx created a billion-dollar empire because of one thing her father said to her after almost every dinner.
  • What motivational speaker and former monk Jay Shetty does every day to turn depression into hope and anger into success (And what it has to do with the tree in front of your house).
  • How an alternative way of looking at potential allowed Justin Timberlake to become the only Ex-NSYNC member who made it big time as a solo artist.
  • The Frowned-Upon Success Secret that Both Huffington Post founder Ariana Huffington and Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos believe in (WARNING: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Elon Musk HATE this Secret).
  • What Bishop T.D Jake’s had to learn about the numbers 40 and 40000 (And why his incredible realization will change your life forever).
  • The exact internal shift New York Times bestselling author Marie Forleo experiences whenever she writes an email (And why it can help YOU to manifest more money).
  • What your social circle has to do with the fact that Elon Musk was able to make history with Tesla and SpaceX.
  • The world’s most successful investor’s secret (his company is valued at over $469 billion) that allowed him to consistently outperform the US stock market.
  • The “Zuck’s” Principle that allowed the founder of Facebook to become a billionaire (You might not become the CEO of Facebook but if you live by this principle you have the chance to make more money than you can imagine in your wildest dreams).
  • A sneaky way to INSTANTLY feel worthy of success, money and wealth by using a certain method from a well-known American television host, author and motivational speaker.
  • A little-known mindset (that most people only realize on their death bed) that allowed “The Most Famous Walking Accent” to become a bodybuilding champion, a movie star and the governor of California (He achieved this even though he was born into poverty in a tiny Austrian village after WWII).
  • Why Adele is a believer in manifesting…even though she might not be aware of it…and how YOU can use her Guidance Principle to get rich.
  • The Entrepreneur Trap Mindset that allowed Barbara Ann Corcoran to become a successful businesswoman, investor, speaker, consultant, syndicated columnist, author, and television personality.
  • How famous model and mother of Zayne Malik’s first child Gigi Hadid makes photographers, agents, and brands work with HER instead of other models (You can use her technique to win friends, business partners, and clients).
  • Kate Winslet’s reaction when she was told over and over again that she would never get a lead role in a movie and that she can be lucky if she gets the part of the “chubby girl” (And why YOU have to react in the same way when the criticism of others makes you doubt your greatness).
  • What J. K. Rowlings mind-blowing success with Harry Potter and your ability to talk to other people about manifesting has to do with your chances to succeed in life.
  • How studying actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson made me realize that manifesting money is not about manifesting more money (WARNING: This sounds very confusing but once you understand this simple idea you will have a huge aha moment).
  • The true reason why rapper and musician Post Malone became an overnight internet sensation and the most streamed artist on Spotify in the world (Ed Sheeran lived by almost the same principle and you can easily copy what he did and achieve outstanding results).
  • Why iconic German designer Karl Lagerfeld famously said that he throws something VERY important away (CRAZY: Your trash can might be the secret to your financial freedom).
  • The scientific fact that allowed Dr. Joe Dispenza to fully recover and walk again after being run over by a car and dependent on a wheelchair (I used this scientific fact to heal my body and to open my mind to the possibility that I am rich).


BRAND NEW Bonus 5: The Ultimate Guided Meditation & Hypnosis Vault (Valued at $1,799.40)

I still can't believe that I'm doing this but we go.

This truly is the most valuable, most life-changing, and frankly most insane (in a good way) bonus anyone has ever included in a digital product...

...especially when you consider the fact that The 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program with ALL of it's bonus products only requires an investment of LESS THAN $100.

This brand new bonus alone is worth $1,799.40 because I decided to give you access to my Ultimate Guided Meditation & Hypnosis Vault which includes 60+ Guided Meditations & Guided Hypnosis Recordings with an individual retail value of $29.99 per recording. And yes, I personally recorded all of them.

Each of these recordings is between 10-20 minutes long and if you only listen to 3 of the more than 60 Guided Meditations and Guided Hypnosis Recordings I give you access to the moment you invest in the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program, you have the opportunity to manifest any amount of money, any health-related state and any loving relationship you want

Here is a list of only 20 of the more than 60 Guided Meditations & Hypnosis Files to supercharge your manifestation power that you get exclusive access to...

  • Activate the Manifestation Power Within You
  • Awaken Your Ability to Draw Abundance to You
  • Choose Your Dream Life in the Quantum Field
  • Create Your Millionaire Self
  • Fall in Love With Your Beautiful Heart
  • Feel the Energy of a New Life to Manifest it
  • Feel the Success that Runs Through Your Veins
  • Feel Worthy of Money
  • Guided Meditation to Manifest Money in 24 Hours of Less
  • Heal Your Body With the Frequency of Wholeness
  • Let The Universe Send You Money
  • I Love Money Mantra Meditation
  • Manifest Your Dream Relationship With This Hypnosis
  • Money Will Flow Like Crazy With This Hypnosis
  • Receive the Most Wonderful Gifts From the Universe
  • Shift Your Reality Towards Wealth and Abundance With This Hypnosis
  • Standing Meditation for Manifesting Wealth
  • Step into Your Healthy Self
  • Turn Your Vision for the Future into Reality
  • You Were Born to Be Rich and Wealthy

...and so many more because you deserve to have the freedom to choose the exact Guided Meditations and Hypnosis Recordings that resonate with you and that allow you to effortlessly manifest anything you want into your physical experience in only 10-20 minutes.

Yes, it’s true.

You get instant access to all of this…

The 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program with 11 Modules and more than 15 hours of audio seminars, exercises, and hypnosis + THESE 5 FREE BONUS Programs...

The product is digital and the images are for visualization only

But wait!

Before you click on the ADD TO CART button and change the direction of your life, I want to make one thing very, very clear:

  • Please do NOT invest in the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program if you believe that less than $50 is too expensive for a 15-hour program that teaches you EVERYTHING I know about manifesting.
  • Please do NOT invest in the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program if you are not willing to listen to the audio seminars, to actually do the exercises, and to reprogram your subconscious mind while relaxing and listening to a guided hypnosis.  
  • Please do NOT invest in the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program if you are just looking for the next quick fix and instant gratification…in this case please continue to listen to all the gurus on YouTube who tell you about their “one brand new magic prayer to manifest within seconds”. 

I designed this program for deliberate creators who…

  • Are ready to take action.
  • Are willing to use the techniques I share. 
  • Refuse to give up before they successfully manifested what they wanted.

Are you one of them?

These are the people who pay me hundreds of dollars every month in private Skype coaching sessions and these are also the people who GET RESULTS.

Do you want to get results?

This is your chance to get results with the art of manifesting that are beyond your wildest dreams.

This is your chance to master the art of manifesting in only 11 days…

Here's What You Get Today:

  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 1: Mastering The Law of Attraction & The Law of Assumption
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 2: Mastering Your Power as a Deliberate Creator
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 3: Mastering the Process of Creating Your Future
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 4: Mastering Negative and Positive Contrast
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 5: Mastering the Art of Affirming Your Desires
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 6: Mastering Your Emotions and Your Emotional State
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 7: Mastering the Energy in Your Body and in Your Heart
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 8: Mastering the Ultimate State of Receivership
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 9: Mastering Meditation, Visualization and Visual Meditation
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 10: Mastering Letting Go and Trusting the Universe
  • 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Module 11: Mastering Your Spiritual Path to Manifestation Success
  • Bonus 1: Trauma Transformation Audio Course (Valued at $49.99) 
  • Bonus 2: Vibrational Reality Shift Program (Valued at $79.99)
  • Bonus 3: 55 Affirmations to Raise Your Vibration (Valued at $19.99)
  • Bonus 4: Inside the Mind of 55 Millionaires Audio Course (Valued at $49.99)
  • Bonus 5: The Ultimate Guided Meditation & Hypnosis Vault (Valued at $1,799.40)

For a Very Limited Time You Can Receive THIS Special


of my complete 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program + 5 FREE Bonuses

Note: The Coupon will automatically be applied when you click the ADD TO CART button below





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This is a ONE-TIME Payment (NO Recurring Billing). Once your order is complete, you'll receive an email with the link to your digital products. 

Do you have any questions about this program? Send me an email: sebastian

P.S. Add to cart NOW because I will NEVER offer the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program for less than today!

"You will look back 11 Days from now and call this the best investment you ever made…"

How can I be so sure?

Because my podcast has already changed millions of lives...

This program gives you all the tools you need to manifest your dreams. 

How can I be so confident about this?

Here's what Alexandra from Australia has to say about her experience with the The 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program:

Here's what Joanna from the USA has to say about her experience with the The 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program:

Here's what Jason from Canada has to say about his experience with the The 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program:

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This is a ONE-TIME Payment (NO Recurring Billing). Once your order is complete, you'll receive an email with the link to your digital products. 

Do you have any questions about this program? Send me an email: sebastian

P.S. Add to cart NOW because I will NEVER offer the 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program for less than today!


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